
烯烃交叉复分解反应是指两种端基烯烃在Ru(II)-卡宾(Grubbs Catalyst)催化下,放出乙烯的烯烃复分解反应。从统计学来看,反应应该生成三种可能的几何异构体,再加上每种异构体各有 E/Z构型,因此共有六种产物。



在1990年代, Robert H.Grubbs发现了实用性非常高的催化剂。之后烯烃复分解反应成为有机合成化学里最常用的反应之一。





Rate Enhanced Olefin Cross-Metathesis Reactions: The Copper Iodide Effect
K. Voigtritter, S. Ghorai, B. H. Lipshutz, J. Org. Chem.201176, 4697-4702.

Olefin Cross-Metathesis Reactions at Room Temperature Using the Nonionic Amphiphile “PTS”: Just Add Water
B. H. Lipshutz, G. T. Aquinaldo, S. Ghorai, K. Voigtritter, Org. Lett.200810, 1325-1328.

Increased Efficiency in Cross-Metathesis Reactions of Sterically Hindered Olefins
I. C. Stewart, C. J. Douglas, R. H. Grubbs, Org. Lett.200810, 441-444.

Acryloyl Chloride: An Excellent Substrate for Cross-Metathesis. A One-Pot Sequence for the Synthesis of Substituted α,β-Unsaturated Carbonyl Derivatives
L. Ferrié, S. Bouzbouz, J. Cossy, Org. Lett.200911, 5446-5448.

A Rapid and Simple Cleanup Procedure for Metathesis Reactions
B. R. Galan, K. P. Kalbarczyk, S. Szczepankiewicz, J. B. Keister, S. T. Diver, Org. Lett.20079, 1203-1206.

Regioselective Cross-Metathesis Reaction Induced by Steric Hindrance
S. BouzBouz, R. Simmons, J. Cossy, Org. Lett., 20046, 3465-3467.

An Efficient Synthesis of Nitroalkenes by Alkene Cross Metathesis: Facile Access to Small Ring Systems
G. P. Marsh, P. J. Parsons, C. McCarthy, X. G. Corniquet, Org. Lett.20079, 2613-2616.

Selective Synthesis of (2Z,4E)-Dienyl Esters by Ene-Diene Cross Metathesis
G. Moura-Letts, D. P. Curran, Org. Lett.20079, 5-8.

Advanced Fine-Tuning of Grubbs/Hoveyda Olefin Metathesis Catalysts: A Further Step toward an Optimum Balance between Antinomic Properties
M. Bieniek, R. Bujok, M. Cabaj, N. Lugan, G. Lavigne, D. Arlt, K. Grela, J. Am. Chem. Soc.2006128, 13652-13653.

A Good Bargain: An Inexpensive, Air-Stable Ruthenium Metathesis Catalyst Derived from α-Asarone
K. Grela, M. Kim, Eur. J. Org. Chem.2003, 963-966.

The facile preparation of alkenyl metathesis synthons
T. W. Baughman, J. C. Sworen, K. B. Wagener, Tetrahedron, 200460, 10943-10948.

Ruthenium-Catalyzed Tandem Olefin Metathesis-Oxidations
A. A. Scholte, M. H. An, M. L. Snapper, Org. Lett.20068, 4759-4762.

Ruthenium-Catalyzed Tandem Cross-Metathesis/Wittig Olefination: Generation of Conjugated Dienoic Esters from Terminal Olefins
R. P. Murelli, M. L. Snapper, Org. Lett.20079, 1749-1752.

Preparation of Aliphatic Ketones through a Ruthenium-Catalyzed Tandem Cross-Metathesis/Allylic Alcohol Isomerization
D. Finnegan, B. A. Seigal, M. L. Snapper, Org. Lett.20068, 2603-2606.

Heteroaromatic Synthesis via Olefin Cross-Metathesis: Entry to Polysubstituted Pyridines
T. J. Donohoe, J. A. Basutto, J. F. Bower, A. Rathi, Org. Lett.201113, 1036-1039.

Cross Metathesis of N-Allylamines and α,β-Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds: A One-Pot Synthesis of Substituted Pyrroles
S. Shafi, M. Kędziorek, K. Grela, Synlett2011, 124-128.




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